How to make the most of LinkedIn as a student

Tom D.
4 min readSep 14, 2021

It has become a bit of a running joke amongst my friends with how quickly LinkedIn became my favourite form of social media. Some might assume it is a “more boring version of Facebook” or simply “an online resume”. But like almost anything, you only get out of it what you put into it, whether that be looking for new roles, networking or showing off your achievements.

I am still relatively new to LinkedIn. I created my profile during the onset of the pandemic last year, a time when the way most people worked and studied changed drastically. I had heard of the platform before this but, until then, I usually relied on other job websites that often didn’t require much when applying for roles apart from a CV and the occasional cover letter.

I’m not entirely certain as to why I wasn’t inspired or pushed to create a profile sooner. I also have friends at similar stages of their career to me who either half-heartedly downloaded the app without making any effort or chose to avoid it altogether.

It didn’t take me long to realise the many benefits of the platform when thinking about my future. Here are some of how you can make the most of your LinkedIn profile:

Adding all of your work experience

Many students choose to avoid adding roles to the ‘Experience’ section of their…



Tom D.

English Language and Linguistics student based in the UK. Blogs about studying, travel and personal development.